1-Manuscript Preparation and Submission 

Papers submitted to STA’2025 should be written in English and limited to six pages (10-point font) including figures, tables and references.

To write paper, please respect the IEEE conference templates for LaTeX formats or Microsoft Word that may be found at:

Accepted and presented papers will be published in the electronic Conference Proceeding and submitted to IEEE XPLORE.

Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this conference.

Selected papers from STA’2025, after further revisions, will be published in International Journals.

2-Instructions for final papers

Authors are required to check their papers with IEEE PDF eXpress at the link below before uploading their final papers. This is to comply with IEEE Xplore requirements. Failure to do so, will prevent your paper to be published by IEEE Xplore.

IEEE PDF eXpress is a free service to IEEE conferences, allowing their authors to make IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs (Conversion function) or to check PDFs that authors have made themselves for IEEE Xplore compatibility (PDF Check function).

IEEE PDF eXpress

Creating your PDF eXpress Account

 Log in to the :

First-time users should do the following:

  1. Select the New Users - Click Here link.
  2. Enter the following:
    • ........ for the Conference ID
    • your email address
    • a password
  3. Continue to enter information as prompted.

An Online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.
Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid.


Instructions for IEEE PDF eXpress:

  1. Access the IEEE PDF eXpress site

  1. For each conference paper, click 'Create New Title'

  2. Enter identifying text for the paper (title is recommended but not required)

  3. Click 'Submit PDF for Checking' or 'Submit Source Files for Conversion'

  4. Indicate platform, source file type (if applicable), click Browse and navigate to file, and click 'Upload File'. You will receive online and email confirmation of successful upload.

  5. You will receive an email with your Checked PDF or IEEE PDF eXpress-converted PDF attached. If you submitted a PDF for Checking, the email will show if your file passed or failed

  6. Submit your paper to STA'2025 site.

Options (choose one) If the PDF submitted fails the PDF check If you are not satisfied with the IEEE PDF eXpress-converted PDF  If the PDF submitted passed the PDF Check, or you are satisfied with your IEEE PDF eXpress-converted PDF
Option 1 Submit your source file for conversion PDF Check, or by clicking Try again, then Submit Source Files for Conversion. Resubmit your source file with corrections (Try again, then Submit Source Files for Conversion) Submit your IEEE Xplore compatible PDF to the STA'2025 Conference ManagementWebsite.
Option 2 Read the PDF Check report, then click "The PDF Check Report" in the sidebar to get information on possible solutions. Submit a PDF by clicking Try again, then Submit PDF for Checking

IEEE PDF eXpress converts the following file types to PDF
  1. Rich Text Format

  2. Freelance

  3. (La)TeX (DVI and all support files required)*

  4. PageMaker

  5. FrameMaker

  6. QuarkXpress*

  7. Word Pro

  8. Microsoft Word

  9. WordPerfect

* For documents created in formats that do not embed source files, include all support files with the final manuscript in a folder. Put this folder in a compressed archive for submission. If it is possible to embed images in the source document, you should do so to avoid potential issues, such as missing graphics.

3-IEEE Electronic Copyright Form

IEEE policy requires that, prior to publication, all authors or their employers must transfer to the IEEE any copyright they hold for their individual papers. Transferring copyright is a necessary requirement for publication, except for material in the public domain or which is reprinted with permission from a previously published, copyrighted publication.

An e-mail will be sent to the authors listed on the spreadsheet. This email will provide the authors with a link to the online eCF wizard, as well as a unique login name and password to access their own copyright forms. When an author completes the online copyright transfer process and submits the form, he/she will receive an automated confirmation email letting him/her know that the transfer has been completed successfully.